03 February 2012

Oven Baked Beef Ribs with Plum Sauce Glaze

BBQ! Yeah, I love the food that comes out from our BBQ kettle very very much... the meat is always tasty and has that special smoky aroma. However...  I find it very troublesome when we are having it on weekdays. We only have the BBQ kettle and it takes very long to prepare the heat beads for cooking. Using an oven is just a short cut to it, just without the special aroma.

A couple days ago, I cooked this beef ribs and combine them with some ready made sauce. The end result was just finger licking tasty! My husband and I had them with some sliced cucumber as a salad... I know I was just being lazy :) Not surprisingly, my little man  loves this dish too minus the cucumber but he had it with some fresh tomatoes.

The beauty of this dish is we don't need to be constantly in front of the stove. We can just leave it to work itself and we can do other things... Anyway, let's jump to the recipe. Who knows you'll get some inspirations from it.

10 pieces of beef ribs -> one day ahead, simmer for 2 hours with onion, garlic, peppercorn, star anise and nutmeg plus some sprinkle of salt

Cheat glazing:
1 part of Chinese style plum sauce
1 part of BBQ sauce

Marinade the cooked beef ribs and store them in the fridge for the next day.

The next day, turn on the oven and set to 180deg C. Then, prepare the baking tray by lining an aluminium foil then topped with baking paper. Put the cold ribs on the tray and place the tray in the oven. I put the bone side at the bottom.

Baste the ribs with the sauce after 10 minutes in the oven. Return to the oven. Let it further cook for another 20 minutes. Baste again. Turn the tray to the other side of the oven. I mean the side that was right inside, now is at the door side. Cook for another 15-20 minutes.

The left over can be cut into cubes, reheated on the pan. Put a bit more BBQ sauce and mixed with some vegetables. And there you go, it becomes fresh delicious salad :) Oh... and the broth can be used to make Pho in a hurry too. Just add some chicken stock powder, salt, sugar, ground pepper and fish sauce.


  1. Huaaah, beautiful pictures, handsome boy!
    Re, gw tertarik banget kalo dibikinin ginian :) besok2 kalo dpt beef ribs on sale, gw coba niy resep praktis. Di sini ribs mahal Re.
    Btw, gw dah liat majalah 'feast' di toko buku sini, Rp 103rb/edisi. huaa, gak kuat.

  2. Thank you, Van. Aku mesti belajar sering2 dari suhunya nih... penataan aku masih amburadul acak kadut! Alhasil mulai dari yg sederhana dulu dah, gak berani banyak2 prop heheh Ribs mahal to? di sini gak gitu sih, termasuk potongan daging yg rada murah tapi ya itu, berat di tulangnya hahahaha

    Kena ongkos kirimnya lumayan jg ya... di sini $6.50 kalau eceran, kalau langganan bisa dpt $4 sekian gitu. Baru kali ini dah, aku tergila2 ama majalah makanan. Majalah yg dulu2 au beli sih demen2 aja, tp gak sampe gegap gempita gempar posting sana sini :D

  3. Hi Regina... mampiir... paling demen deh sama ribs, apalagi yh kyk gini... bikinnya ga ribet.. ijin nyontek...tfs yaa

  4. silahkan dicoba bikin ribsnya... moga2 cocok :)
